Monday, 28 April 2008

Blogs, Favorites, Old and New!

Eh, now where should I start? What makes a great blog? I’ve been reading a ton and Boy, are there a lot out there! However, I do have a few favs.

An old favorite is one I’m sure many of you know about already is Margot Finke’s blog and website. She covers just about anything and everything you need to know about writing and if you can’t find it on her page you can be sure there is a link to direct you to where you will find it. Her Musings column featured on Harold Underdown’s Purple Crayon must not be missed!

She is quite the computer savvy lady, too! Loads of links, widgets and feeds cover her sites. She has thoughtfully put down the directions on how to include these on your site. Thanks Margot!

Be sure to check her sites at and You won’t be sorry!

A blog I’ve run across and quite like is Writer’s Block by Susan Humphreys. Susan has a very eclectic site with some very interesting articles like the double nosed dog called an Andean Tiger Hound but she also includes lots of writing news, too. Her most recent is letting us know of a writing competition, The Commenwealth Short Story Competition and an article on the book, Young Bond. She also directs us to a poll by Bloomsbury asking us Who is the best villain in children’s books? There also a review of Writer’s Forum magazine and announcing Writer’s Advice Centre Competition for 2008. Susan won the competition last year! WhoHoos for Susan!

I think it’s a very clever and informative site. She’s great at using news to inspire her in her writing. She has inspired me to open my eyes and see what I can find to spark a story. I can’t wait to what she what will pop out of her hat for my next visit.

Take a look you won’t regret it. Here is the link,

Smiles, Charlotte

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