Monday, 24 March 2008

First Post / SCBWI Scotland

Hi and welcome to my blog. Not a very creative beginning but how else are you going to welcome someone?

I've been working on the SCBWI Scotland website; added a few more author links. I do hope to collect a few more. If you are a children's author and have a website or blog, e-mail me with your details and I'll add them to the site.

Are there any Scottish children's writers out there? Interested in becoming a member of SCBWI and SCBWI Scotland? First, go to and become a member; after you are a member, e-mail me with your bio and I'll add it to our member's page. You can find SCBWI Scotland at

Let’s see what else can I write about? Scottish weather? Ummm, it’s crap; cold and windy as usual but then the weather gods decided to started spitting snow at us. Burr! I need some sun! I’ve got my fingers crossed that an Italian or perhaps a Spanish holiday is on the horizon. I really got to talk to hubby about that.

My muse and computer cat, Tiggertoo, has disappeared, perhaps off to sleep under the radiator? I think I’ll end this here. Come back and see what books I’m working on and what out to publishers.

Have a great day!

Smiles, Char

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